Organizing Toolkit

Is your district facing a budget deficit, cuts, and closures? 

Educators across Washington are joining the fight for the schools our students deserve.

The movement for equitable and fully-funded K-12 schools continues with support from Seattle Education Association rank-and-file members. 

After launching “The Big 5” legislative priorities in Seattle, we are spreading the love so your district can join the movement to ensure we add progressive revenue and equitable funding formula reforms to our legislative priorities this coming legislative session. 

We call on unions, organizations, community, and lawmakers to sign the Big 5 pledge. 

Before the legislative session begins in January 2025, we have a lot of pressure to build. We are spreading across the state with organizational endorsements, legislative district resolutions, union organizing, and parent associations. Join the movement!

This resource will help you launch your own local pledge in order to: 

  1. Pass a motion at your local union to advocate for Big 5 or get support from your union.

  2. Advocate for your superintendent, admin, and school board members’s sign the pledge.

  3. Mobilize and coordinate with families, parents, youth, and community members who want to ensure our schools are fully and equitably funded. 

  4. Pass a resolution in your local legislative districts. 

  5. Contact your legislators with a request to sign the pledge.


Toolkit Resources:

All the resources you could need!

Click the link to Email your legislators!

Click the Pledge to sign on!

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